There are already more than 230 performing factories in the Database, which is replenished with new productions every day. We are glad that production is being reconfigured and are ready to work in the current situation in the country with great optimism and faith in the future.
There are also factories that produce fabric & accessories and they are also ready to accept orders and change their production to modern trends in the fashion industry.
It is a pity that not everyone can come and advertise themselves at the F-EXPO – the exhibition of garment outsourcing factories and related services ( and the main reasons for this are TIME, PEOPLE, MONEY.
Trigon Select LLC, together with SOYUZLEGPROM (RUSSIAN UNION OF ENTREPRENEURS OF T&A INDUSTRY –, has found a solution and is working to redirect Customers who contacted us directly for recommendations and assistance in selecting a factory that can produce the required product.
We invite representatives of brands, retail companies, design bureaus, corporate customers, small store owners, to use the service for selecting factories, and discover production facilities that are not on the Internet, that do not attend Exhibitions, and do not even have websites, but are ready to work and accept a variety of products for production.
What does our service provide?
the ability to find manufacturers in one place
in one place, enterprises of different specializations, different types of production and geography, ready to enter into contracts for production and supply
the ability to conduct negotiations in a short time (need? – write to the online chat), including at round tables of the SOYUZLEGPROM Committee
carry out joint orders at factories producing fabrics and accessories in Russia
What does the Customer receive?
A selection of factories of performers according to your Request specified in the questionnaire.
Real factories with live contacts.
Live communication with representatives of factories online.
What does the Factory get?
Orders with clear specialization for your production.
Real Customers